It occurred to me, just recently, that I've always been a Plein Air painter/artist. That's just a fancy name for someone who paints outside, paints what they see in nature.
I'm lucky to live at a forest preserve--actually, it's a replanted wetland and prairie. Plenty of flowers to paint.
There are plenty of artists who like to paint outdoors, and enjoy it. But it takes a special type of person who doesn't mind what goes along with it, like the bugs, and wind, and basic comfort needs.
But if you want to see, really see what is out there and paint it, that's the only way to do it. Go outside and paint from real life.
My backyard is just as good as any place, in some cases. I found this old chair in the barn and thought it would give my flowers a bit of a "frame" to peek through. So I set this up out there and painted it.
What d'ya think?
I love clouds, the sky, and love sunrises. Some are more spectacular than others. This is early morning sky over Afton, which I painted below.
I enjoy doing these, and miss being able to go outside, but I have windows I can look out and pick some trees to paint during the winter months.
I follow plein air painter Stefan Baumann is quite famous, but I didn't find him until recently, and find that his classes are unique. He isn't pretentious, he's the real deal. Here is a link to one of his many classes. If you're in need of his help, well, he is available in no other way anyone I've ever found is. He gives out his phone #, and you can call him. However, he is not cheap! But his shows are very informative as he stands in front of his classes in Mt. Shasta, or in various other places in California.
I have not found another person on You Tube who has done so much for me (and the people who make comments below his site on You Tube), just by watching, and listening to his lectures. He considers himself a "coach", not a teacher.
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